BCA Yamas Otamba
BCA Zamos Cherakna
BCA Chats Nuksay
BCA Tofoz Pahsimeroi
BCA Tofoz Shandalupa
BCA Nuksays Nooksak
BCA Zamos Pinawawi
BCA Chats Yamahawk
Poplars Zamocha
BCA Tofoz Chatanga
The Forefather of many BCA horses, Chatanga passed away in 2022.
Ghostdance Juma
BCA Heartbeat Pasxa
BCA Zamos Red Deer
BCA Zamos BocawatchiSold to Bre Ramire of Ogden, Utah
BCA Chatanga SapanukSold to Bre Ramire of Ogden, Utah
BCA Iron White StarSold to Bre Ramire of Ogden, Utah
BCA Yamas Blue HeronSold to Kylee Birdwell of Milton-Freewater, Oregon
BCA Red Deers Chicory
BCA Iron White HawkSold to Kylee Birdwell of Milton-Freewater, Oregon
BCA Yamas YellowhawkSold to Sherri Ritter of Missouri
BCA Yamas OcelotSold to Erin Fletcher and Forrest Samuels
BCA Chats CatradaSold to Dillon Whitman
BCA Chatfu WaatnuwasSold to Alexa Maine of Walla Walla, WA
BCA Black MountainDillon Whitman of Klickitas, WA
BCA Tofoz DublspringSold to Carleen Neves of Rogue River, OR
GW Cheveyos SunspotSold to Carleen Neves of Rogue River, OR
BCA Zamos MuldoonSold to Alexa Maine of Walla Walla, WA
BCA Yamas MisqualuSold to Jan Dobson of Foggy Valley Farms, TN
BCA Chats KayunaSold to Leslie Spires of Fort Calhoun, NE
BCA Zamos ReplicaSold to HH Appaloosa Ranch in Deer Park, WA
BCA Tofoz FudasanSold to Joanne Jordan of Olympia, WA
BCA Zamos TuusiSold to Lynette Ramirez of Ontario, CA
BCA Zamos Iron BogSold to Darla Palacia of Pennsylvania
BCA Zamos Konobo aka “Atom”Sold to Mardelle Mauck of Boring, OR
BCA Chats TsumagoErin Fletcher of Touchet, WA
BCA Tofoz PadopaniSold to Mariana Burdelis and Max Thornburg of Ridgecrest, CA
BCA Zamos TukanonSold to Mariana Burdelis and Max Thornburg of Ridgecrest, CA
DREA Imnaha BlksundyBelongs to Drew Long of Burns, OR
BCA Kagos DazaifuSold to Katherine Lang of Duvall, WA
BCA Chats ShinakuSold to Jeannie Perino of Oregon City, OR
BCA Tofoz KagoshimaSold to Dorothy and Gerald Mezzo of Top Gun Ranches in Duck Lake, Saskatchewan
BCA Chats KinchiSold to Michelle Meyer of Wild Wind Farm in Menifee, CA
BCA Tofoz TiburonSold to Mary Norstebon Horgan of Mountain Home, ID
BCA Tofoz DubleagleSold to Patty Stone
Frosty Nugget PatchSold to Sue and Les Thario of Great Falls, MT
BCA Fourmile BrandySold to Sue and Les Thario of Great Falls, MO
Skips Latte NuggetSold to Doris and Dwight Ferguson of Lewiston, ID
DREA Imnaha LadyhawkSold to Trish Christian & Hawkeye Ranch Appaloosas of Brayton, IA
RHA Shawnee SisSold to Kathryn Snyder of Pocatello, ID
RHA Comanche MoonSold to Larry Boast of Mabon, WA